albert einstein

Albert Einstein

German theoretical physicist
1879 - 1955

"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant minds in the history of science, made groundbreaking contributions that reshaped our understanding of the universe. This tribute page celebrates his life, achievements, and enduring legacy.


1879 - March 14: Albert Einstein is born in Ulm, Germany.
1905 - Einstein publishes four groundbreaking papers, including the theory of special relativity and E=mc².
1915 - Einstein completes his theory of general relativity, explaining the gravitational force.
1921 - Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the photoelectric effect.
1933 - Fleeing Nazi Germany, Einstein settles at Princeton University.
1939 - Einstein writes a letter warning of the potential for atomic weapons, contributing to the Manhattan Project.
1955 - Albert Einstein passes away on April 18 in Princeton, New Jersey.


Albert Einstein's scientific contributions are vast and profound -

Special Theory of Relativity
Einstein's theory proposed that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers and introduced the concept of spacetime.

General Theory of Relativity
This theory provided a new understanding of gravity, explaining it as the curvature of spacetime by massive objects.

Einstein's famous equation relates mass and energy, demonstrating that a small amount of mass can release an enormous amount of energy.

Photoelectric Effect
His work on the photoelectric effect helped establish the quantum theory of light.